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Learning Self-Compassion – Soft Breath

by Private: Debbie Homewood

Thousands of years of spiritual practice and decades of medical research tell us that one of the most important life skills is being able to give yourself the gift of compassion. For many of us, this is the hardest thing to do. There are many reasons why we find it so difficult, yet if we persevere, we can begin to find a way to treat ourselves compassionately, and this makes all the difference in dealing with the suffering that is inevitable in our journey through life.

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Cognitive Therapy And Role Play – The Perfect Match

Simply put, cognitive therapy deals with those emotions, behaviours and beliefs which are not serving you. We try to change the thought process in order to bring about change. Psychiatrist Aaron Beck developed cognitive therapy in the 1960s. The theory behind the process is that “wrong” thinking triggers a self-defeating behaviour or inappropriate response to a situation.

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